2020: Self-Destruct. Survive. Thrive!
For me, it is a clear recommendation to buy this EP.
Coherence and catchiness despite the fully intended and neatly integrated disharmony elements make it a finest piece of art.
Every song has a unique and completely different sound concept. This way the whole album receives an extremely high variety and is seemingly too short…
Friend.X aka Mr. Deep on Obscuro.eu
A great EP, can’t wait to hear more from this fantastic band.
This EP ups every element of the Latvian/German death/groove metal hybrid’s sound. The music here is dense, satisfying and mature with great riffage aplenty and melody applied well to keep things memorable and distinct. The guests are great but don’t overwhelm the band’s personality, and Mara herself’s vocals are as powerful and varied as ever with an extra sheen of experience improving them even further than the debut.
poisonremedy on Bandcamp
2018: Therapy For An Empath
Their standout performance on this EP is a revelation.
Lead by the fierce, multi-layered vocals of the incredible Mara Lisenko, the band effortlessly shifts and maneuvers through a treacherous topography of blistering thrash, brutal death, and a surprisingly hook-filled groove metal assault with each successive song on this 5-track gem!
Ramin Kimiavi on Instagram
For me a strong 9 / 10 and a great start in their musical career!
The musicians really know what they are doing and you notice that they have fun creating their art and mix genres together to bring something on their own.