
Your beliefs
They do not set you free
They keep you trapped
Narrowing your sight
No logic needed
Just your blind faith


Force feed yourself
With words of truth
Told by wise guy
Millennia ago
No one can ever dare
To question or argue


Your god is so big
He keeps you silenced on your knees
Your loving god keeps you punishing
For your disobedience

Who holds the power
If not someone you give your power to
This is not your god
These are owners of your temples
Temples covered in gold and crystal

Keep your head as low as you can
So your god can love you even more
Keep your mouth shut
Do as you’re told
So god can bless you with eternal

People behind god
They want the faithful nation
Greatest myth tellers
Keep your imagination going

Your god is so big
He keeps you silenced on your knees
Your loving god keeps you punishing
For your disobedience

Your faith stops you from taking action
The direct impact that could change your circumstances
Instead you stay passive and wait for god’s help
You’re a perfect puppet for religionipulation

Religions were made by people
Craving for power
Not your imaginary god
I’ve seen starvation and poverty
In the streets
Outside your temples
Covered in gold and crystal

Where is that justice
Your god is so famous for
No religion is better than any other
It’s the same old
Rotten system

You never question anything
You’re not allowed to
The fear of god’s anger, punishment and hell
Is imposed on you
The perfect control machine

Take back the power
Believe in yourself
You are that god
Creating your life
And everything around
Take that responsibility
For once and for all

© MĀRA 2020

MĀRA EP Self Destuct Survive Thrive Cover 2020
published on “Self Destruct. Survive. Thrive!” EP